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新东方·IELTS 9分阅读
作者:淘宝掌柜  文章来源:淘宝网  点击数  更新时间:2009-10-29 15:43:46  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

新东方·IELTS 9分阅读

新东方·IELTS 9分阅读
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\ 《IELTS 9分阅读》中的IELTS(InternationalEnglishLanguageTeeing System)“国际英语语言测试系统”是全球认可的英语语言能力评估系统。也是进入大多数英语系国家高等学府就读必备的英语能力证明。特别受到英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大等国认可,而目前美国大多数大学也承认IELTS成绩。IELTS测试由英国文化协会(TheBritishCouncil)、剑桥大学考试委员会(CambridgeESOL)及澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDp Education Australia)共同举办,由剑桥大学考试委员会统筹管理。除了计划前往英语系国家就读大学、研究生院、专科技术学院、预科课程者适合参加IELTS测试外,凡申请澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、美国移民者,或是担任英国及澳洲各政府部门实习生、参加国防部及公共医疗会议等专业人士,均可参加IELTS测试。 \

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\ Patrick Hafenstein,剑桥台北语言中心IELTS资深教师,剑桥考试口试(KET/PET)主考官,Griffith university学士,Trinity College London 英语教学证书获得者,有10余年考试课程教学经验,包括IELTS、TOEIC、TOEFL等。 \

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\ 《IELTS 9分阅读》中3阶段进阶,逐步提高 诊断测试一题型分析一成就测试,阶段渐进式设计,逐步克服阅读障碍,掌握得分之道!说明式解答,题题详尽 提供正确答-案,详析错误选项,洞悉考题逻辑,透视阅读盲点,提高答题效率!5大题型精辟剖析 轻松剖析“选择”、“填空”、“匹配”、“简答”、“是/非/未提及”5大阅读题型,公式法解题,速成记忆快!2套考题全真模拟 根据正式IELTS则试编写学术类和培训类全真模拟试题,高度仿真。关键词汇 总汇重要单词短语完整收录,表格形式清晰呈现,词好轻松搭配翻译和例句,记忆单词好轻松! \

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AcknowledgementsHow to use this bookAbout IELTS阅读测试介绍及诊断测试 阅读测试简介 常见问题集 阅读自学指南 阅读技巧与题型概述 成功的捷径 诊断测试 说明式解答 诊断测试中文翻译题型、技巧及对策说明 概要 流程图填空题 段落陈述匹配题 是/非/未提及题 选择题(主旨) 概要 选择题(细节) 句子填空题 概要 表格填空题 摘要填空题选择题(推论) 概要 段落大意匹配题 简答题 选择题(主旨) 概要 选择题(主旨) 图表填空题 匹配题 概要 选择题(主旨) 选择题(图表与多选) 完成笔记题成就测试 学术类 培训类 成就测试1解答 成就测试2解答 重点词汇
…… \ [看更多目录]\

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\ Car companies are well aware of thefact that the 700 million vehicles on roadsacross the globe are causing destructionto the ecosystem on a massive scale.The demand for private transport is ona constant increase; only 5% of the USpopulation uses public transport, despiteof having to collectively spend 8 billion hours stuck in traffic and the adverse effectit has on our bodies. However, the automobile industry is beginning to listen to itsmore environmentally conscious consumers. Around the turn of the century, thepopularity of hybrid cars, which are dramatically less harmful to our health andthe environment, began to take off.Contrary to popular belief, hybrids are not new technology; they have beenaround for well over a century. In 1900, gas, steam and electric cars weremanufactured in equal numbers. However, in 1913 with the advent of the self-starting engine and the gas-powered Ford Model T coming off the productionline in mass numbers, steam and electric cars disappeared for a good 50 years andenvironmental devastation ensued.The amount of damage is alarming. Driving a car is a citizen's most air-pollutingactivity as vehicles are the most considerable contributor of CO2 emissions. Inthe US, 8.2 million barrels of oil are consumed each day, which equates to 300million tonnes of carbon dioxide. The health care costs that are accrued by peopledeveloping such conditions as acute respiratory problems, asthma and cancer-related illnesses amount to US$60 billion every year. Hundreds of thousandsof tonnes of oil, fluids and chemicals enter our waterways every year. Noisepollution from traffic, stereos and alarms is at an all-time high, resulting in sleepdeprivation and stress, among other things. 800 million tyres are stockpiled eachyear, while tyres in use lose one pound of rubber per year on average, which fliesin minute quantities into the air and enters our lungs or rivers. 120 Americans dieevery day in accidents, 1 million animals are run over every year and 10 mil
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