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作者:淘宝掌柜  文章来源:淘宝网  点击数  更新时间:2009-10-29 15:48:38  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


  • 淘宝价格:100
  • 宝贝类别:其它外语
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Dreams-link English Translation Agency
\ 梦想缤纷英语翻译社
\ 欢迎您的光临!
\ Welcome to our website!
\ 本店郑重声明:所有翻译均有店主和各个专业老师强强联合,亲密合作,是梦想缤纷翻译社新兴翻译团队,也是我们的合作伙伴,翻译社提供良好的服务,绝对保证翻译质量!
\ Our agency seriously notice that all the translation documents will be finished by the shopkeeper integrating with other professional teachers expertise in different majors. They are the new group here and our long term partner. Our agency will provide good service and guarantee the translation quality!
\ Quality first, customers requirements first!
\ 店主为外国语学院英语专业优秀毕业生,英语专业八级证书在手,有数年教学经验,曾长期从事翻译工作,有多年中英互译翻译经验,现从事外贸工作。
\ The shopkeeper is the outstanding students from foreign languages university. Have high English degree and long term teaching and translation experience, especially good at written translation.
\ T、
\ 【关于翻译范围】
\ About the translation scope
\ 1、商务翻译:公司介绍翻译、产品说明书翻译、商务函电翻译、合同翻译、营业执照翻译、公司章程、名片翻译、公司英文网站翻译等。
\ 1. Business English translation: enterprise profile translation, products description translation, business letter translation, contract translation,
\ Business license translation, corporate charter translation, name card translation, company English website translation, and so on.
\ 2、个人翻译:简历、求职信翻译、论文翻译、推荐信翻译、毕业证书翻译等。
\ 2. Self-introduction translation: curriculum um vitae translation, applicant letter translation, self statement translation, thesis translation, recommendation translation and so on.
\ 3、专业翻译:医学类、计算机类、管理类、社科类、机械类、石油类、化工类等。
\ 3. Translation field: Medical Science, Computer, Management, Humanities and Social Science, Machinery, Oil and Chemical Industry and so on.
\ 4、其他写作及翻译。
\ 4. Other kinds of writing and translation with customers demand.
\ 5、由于店主专业由于涉及学科的原因关系,尤其擅长外贸类商务翻译与文学类翻译,店内不乏有丰富翻译经验的老手,最多的从事翻译十多年。一人难调众口香,我们能做到的是用最好的服务和最对口的翻译为做出满意的翻译作品来。
\ 欢迎新老客户惠顾!
\ 5. The shopkeeper is professional in foreign trade English translation and literature thesis translation most because of university major. However, Our
\ Translation agency is not lack of very good translator who is specialized in different field, even some of them have more than 10 year translation experience. One person could be loved by all of the customers, but what we could do is to find the proper translator for the different translation materials so as to achieve the customers satisfactory for the translation works.
\ Welcome the new and old customers come to the DREAMS LINK TRANSLATION AGENCY!
\ 【关于价格】
\ 翻译服务报价
\ 翻译字数 中文字数(中译英) 英文单词数(英译中)
\ 0-1000 8元/100字 8元/100字
\ 1000-5000 7.5元/100字 7.5元/100字
\ 5000-10000 7元/100字 7元/100字
\ 10000-15000 6.8元/100字 6.8元/100字
\ 15000-20000 6.5元/100字 6.5元/100字
\ 20000- 6元/100字 6元/100字
\ 中译英:按照中文字数来计算。
\ 英译中:按照英文单词书来计算。
\ 根据翻译内容的难易,以及交货时间的缓急,翻译价格可能还会上下浮动,具体情况请联系店主!
\ 术业有专攻,交稿后,在客户的专业知识(主要是指生僻的专业术语)和经验的支持下,翻译文稿可以做免费修改。欢迎您的批评指正,您的意见是妙思翻译馆最宝贵的财富!
\ 【关于交易流程】
\ 1.文件传输:把需要翻译的资料通过旺旺、QQ(415018093)联系店主,把要翻译的资料传到由店主提供的邮箱。
\ 2.约定交稿期:卖家根据内容字数等确定交稿期及费用并通知买家。
\ 3.支付宝付款:在商量好翻译费用后,买家拍下相应价格的商品页面,卖家修改交易价格,买家付款到支付宝。
\ 4.交稿:交稿期内我们会及时地将译稿通过旺旺或电子邮件传给买家.买家在交易管理中确认收货,完成交易并相互评价。
\ 【关于其他】
\ 1、字数统计方法:使用Word/工具/字数统计/字符数(不含空格)。不足100字的按100字计算, 100字以上,以每50字为单位,最后不足50字的按50字计算,均以原稿件字数计算。
\ 2.对所有翻译文稿绝对保密,翻译交易完成将立即删除。
\ 3.收到稿件后两天内,如有异议,我们将免费修改,因原稿内容变动后的修改除外。
\ 4、对于专业性较强稿件。如果可以,请买家提供相应的辅助资料(如过去的翻译件、词汇表、参考文件与手册)等。以确保翻译件内容的准确性和一贯性。
\ 掌柜推荐
\ In this sort of our agency, you could enjoy our all kinds of English translation from both Chinese to English or from English to Chinese. We have the professional translation that are major in engineering and have many years of translation experience.
\ Our Agency was established for half a year ago, I feel very grateful that my old clients are still contact with me as a friend. Thanks!
\ I am willing to change the style of my agency and want to face all of my old and new friend with a new service.
\ Good news for you as follows:
\ We will establish a real agency in Shanghai and invite professional translator come here!
\ We already make up a English translation discussion group which will help our clients to solve the special problems!
\ Foreign teacher who are back from foreign countries will provide part time translation and checking working here for dear clients.
\ Our agency are willing to make friend with all of you who want to enjoy perfect translation service here, and welcome you to discuss with our professional translator about how to improve your English skills.
\ Our agency will have news everyday along with the new product turn up and welcome you to leave your suggestions.
\ See you next time!
\ 为您提供精品的翻译,质量第一,顾客要求第一,顾客时间安排第一。
\ We will provide you the high degree translation with quality first, customers’requirements first and take priority of urgent translation.
\ 专业八级翻译水平,专业翻译经验,优秀翻译的团队成员,都是您可信任的保证。
\ Major English, professional translation experience and excellent translation group. Show you our quality and service; please show me your trust and comfort.
\ 请提供你的材料和要求,其它的事情,我们会想办法帮你做好。
\ Please send us your materials and requirements, and we will consider all the things for you in your convenience.
\ 谢谢您光临本店!
\ Welcome to Crystal and Flower of Love English Translation Agency !
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