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英法形近词对比: 此 caution 不是彼 caution
作者:沪江网  文章来源:fr.hujiang.com  点击数  更新时间:2016-09-29 13:21:50  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

法语的"caution"和英语的 "caution"拼法一样, 但意思完全不同:



When renting accormmodation in France, the future tenant is required to pay a deposit(normally twice the monthly rent), returnable if the property is maintained in good condition. A "caution solidaire" is a statement signed by a third party guaranteeing payment, by the tenant. The term "caution parentale" is used when the guarantor is the tenant's mother or father.  看明白了吧?  那么, 英文的"caution" 在法语里怎样表达呢? 可以用prudence, avertissment 等词. 【英语】 英文的"caution"则是小心,谨慎,警告,告诫等意思。


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