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[4] 【周末影院】职场必看的十部经典电影
作者:未知  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2011-07-30 10:50:36  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

[4] 【周末影院】职场必看的十部经典电影

Boiler Room

[4] Boiler Room  锅炉房

In 1999, Seth Davis (Ribisi) a 19-year-old college dropout who lives and runs an illegal but successful underground casino in his Queens apartment. Because of dropping out of college and running an illegal business to support himself, his father Marty (Rifkin), a New York City federal judge disapproves of him and worries that Seth's criminal living may cost him his judgeship. In hopes to get on his father's good side, Seth joins J.T. Marlin, a brokerage firm based in a non-descript office building in or near Commack, NY, after Greg Weinstein (Katt) comes to his home to check out Seth's business and offers him a job at the firm. Seth agrees and becomes a trainee under Weinstein...


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